Grain Freight Logistics Investment Opportunity
Drybulk vessel investment offer unique returns due to continued energy demand at all-time highs, which has to be met with drybulk goods (e.g. coal) being transported by ocean, protein consumption per capita growing globally at a steady pace and vessel supply at all-time lows and optionality to lead to green shipping transition with predictable cash-flows re-deployed to carbon capture technologies.
- Fully hedged via 7-year Forward Freight Agreements (FFAs)
- IRR Levered c. 32%, based on straight line depreciation and 50% leverage
- Securing a 15-30% cash yield
- IRR Unlevered c. 18%, based on straight line asset value depreciation
- Cash-yield 16-18%, excluding vessel sale proceeds
- Structure is fully hedged, creating almost a fixed income trade with low risk and high cash-yield, tax free
- Ability to deliver superior freight operations
- The Company has a presence in key areas around the globe
- Secure access to unique off-market cargo flow